Before we get started building a tour, it's essential to understand the layout and organization of TourBuilder. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the platform, the navigation bar, and the many pages throughout.
The TourBuilder Navigation Bar
On the left, you will see a navigation bar with icons. Here, you can switch between pages in TourBuilder. The navigation bar includes:
- A dashboard/home button
- A create button
- A button for Your Clients
- A button to manage users
- An account settings button
The navigation bar can be expanded to view what each button does, or you may hover over each icon to see what they do, as well.
The Create Page
This will be where you can easily create virtual tours from scratch. To get started, simply click on the plus icon to begin building a tour. You will be prompted to create a new tour from scratch or import an old tour. Please note that the import tool is only available for Pro members.
My Clients page
This page is essential for your organization. TourBuilder allows you to keep a growing list of clients directly on the platform and this page will be where you organize them. Before you begin building a tour, you'll want to make sure you've created a client first. Each tour must be assigned a client. You may have a client who has asked you to build one tour or 10 tours.
We'll learn more about how to create a client in Lesson 6.
It's important to understand how to access your virtual tours within TourBuilder, as well. There are two ways to do this if you are a Pro member:
- From your client list (available for all members)
- From the My Tours tour browser on the Dashboard (available only for Pro members)
To access your tours from your client list, click on the blue arrow associated with the Google Tours column for the client you wish to view.
You're also able to add new tours from this list as well, by clicking on the green plus icon associated with the correct client.
Your clients can be edited at any time. This is helpful if you need to increase the max number of Google tours allowed for a particular client. You'll see above that each client was assigned 10 tours. This number can be adjusted in a client's settings by clicking on the client name from your list. Please note that at this time, you cannot edit a client name, so please choose the name wisely before beginning.
My Users page
This page is especially useful for companies or agencies using TourBuilder as an in-house tool. Here, you can create and manage a list of users within your company. Users may collaborate on virtual tours. We'll discuss more on users and user management in the next lesson.
Account Settings
Lastly, Account Settings is where you can view your basic profile, account branding, billing section, and account access (Google authorization).
- Basic: This tab is the basic information of your account. Here you can find your account name, username, first and last name, and the email you used to sign up. You may also update your password on this page, if needed.
- Branding: This tab is only available to Pro members. Users with access have the ability to customize their TourBuilder accounts with their own company logo, nadir, login screen, and more. To learn more about account branding, skip to Lesson 24.
- Billing: the billing section is where you can upgrade to TourBuilder Plus or downgrade your account from Pro to our Free, basic version. You can also view your payment history, add and manage credit cards, as well as purchase additional publish credits as a Pro member.
- Access: lastly, the access tab shows you which Google account you currently have authorized in your user account. You may choose to revoke access only if you need to change your authorized account. Please read our help article before revoking Google account access.
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