If you're a TourBuilder Plus member, you have the ability to add a nadir patch to your scenes directly within TourBuilder, rather than patching each of your scenes manually.
We recommend uploading a 2000px x 2000px circular PNG image as your nadir patch. You may always resize your nadir later in TourBuilder. Nadirs may be manually created in another photo editing software or you can choose to automatically blur your nadir with the help of TourBuilder.
There are a few nadir options available.
Account Level Nadir
You may upload a nadir in your Account Settings. This is ideal if you would like to have a generic nadir patch to resemble your company brand. Account Level Nadirs are often company logos or something that you may use as a generic option when patching your nadir.
1. To add an Account Level Nadir, navigate to your Account Settings and select the tab called Branding.
2. Within Branding, you'll notice a navigation bar with many options to choose from. Select Nadir.
3. You'll be taken to the Account Level Nadir option. Click Edit Nadir. A dialogue box will appear, allowing you to upload a new nadir. Remember to upload a PNG image with a transparent background.
Tour Level Nadir
You also have the option to upload a nadir unique to a tour. This is ideal if your client has requested a specific nadir to appear on their tour, perhaps their logo or brand.
1. To add a Tour Level Nadir, navigate to the tour where you'd like to see this unique nadir appear.
2. In the top navigation bar, select the nadir icon
3. A dialogue box will appear, prompting you to upload your nadir patch.
Please keep in mind that the nadir will not appear while building the tour. The nadir will only appear on your published tour on Google.
Stretch Blur Nadir
If you choose not to add a nadir patch with a logo, you also have the option to allow TourBuilder to apply an auto-blur to your scenes' nadirs. This option may be selected during the Publish to Google step.
Selecting a Nadir option
Before you publish your tour to Google, be sure to select a Nadir option. You can find this options on the Publish to Google page.
Choose from the four options available: Stretch Blur, Account level, Tour level, or None. You may also choose to resize your nadir with the second drop-down menu. Lastly, you can position your nadir either at the top or bottom of your image. Bottom is the default and will often be the option for most scenes, however, if you are publishing drone photography, you may need to select Top.
Once you're satisfied, click Publish.
Removing a Nadir
If you're not satisfied with your nadir on Google and would like to remove it or replace it with another option, you will have to first unpublish your tour. Next, proceed with changing your nadir settings. Once you're satisfied, click Publish again to resend your scenes back to Google with the new nadir settings.
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