TourBuilder utilizes analytics for your tours so you may report back to your clients on how their tours are performing on Google. You can choose to give your clients log in access or simply download analytics information and share it with your clients.
To view or download analytics:
1. Navigate to the tour you wish to view.
2. At the top navigation bar, click Analytics to view your tour's data. If the page loads or seems like it's taking too long to load, check that your tour is published. Unpublish tours will not display any analytics.
3. There are two pages to the Analytics section. There is a Tour Overview and Scene Analytics page. In your Tour Overview, you will see how many scenes are published and how many islands or levels. In addition, you'll see overall total impressions, as well as your top 3 scenes listed.
In your Scene Analytics page, you can view each scene and the impressions of each scene.
What's an impression? An impression is how many times your scene appears on a user's device. This data is not to be confused with a view or click. An impression, for example, is if your scene is also seen on a carousel, but may not necessarily be clicked on.
4. To download your analytics, click on the green download analytics button. For Mac users, your file will download as a CVS file, viewable on an Excel or Numbers program.
If you have Windows and are having difficulty viewing your file, simply save the file and add .cvs to the file name. This will convert the file to the appropriate viewable file.
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