The TourBuilder Publisher is available now! To sign up, please visit our website or sign up immediately here.
TourBuilder Builder will be released and made available to Google Trusted Photographers very soon using the TourBuilder platform.
The TourBuilder Publisher is available now! To sign up, please visit our website or sign up immediately here.
TourBuilder Builder will be released and made available to Google Trusted Photographers very soon using the TourBuilder platform.
Hi, is the SVE Tool a Desktop Editor Tool ? Where do the pictures will be saved ? on Google Drive?
Hi Frank,
The Panoskin SVE is a desktop, web-based application. Users will be able to upload panoramas directly into the platform. You do not have to save/back up images because Panoskin stores a compressed version of the images, though we do recommend users always back up their images.
Panoskin Team
Hi, thank you ! That sounds great.
Are we no longer able to sign up as photographers for the free version?
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